Currently, the deepest widespread enshrinement of monarchy is among Muslim majority nations. Saudi Arabia's constitution claims to be their Holy Quran. The rulers there are progeny of Muhammad, tying that in, but after reading Quran, I don't remember any governmental discussion, so I worry about overspread. Saudi Arabia is the host nation to enshrined pilgrimage cities, and can probably moderate for democracy as an outlier.
Some Muslim nations unfortunately use Sharia law as the goal of their monarchies, and others truly are hybrid, with Kings supported by elected authorities. Once I become resigned to the fact that democracy won't be the governance of everyone, I described some of those hybrid governments as commendable, beginning with Iran's about twenty years ago. More recently I read Jordan's constitution, and found praiseworthy elements. Unfortunately, I also recently read that Qatar delineates a true monarchy, but declares that a 'democracy,' which if true, is insulting and damaging. Another disappointment to me among Islamic nation's constitutions, is that many appear almost carbon-copied, from one nation to another.
The UN should be promoting understanding between democracies and other forms of government, and point out ridiculous national constitutions, so that nations that said they are "peace-loving" to join originally, don't just turn around and serve the opposite later. I'm not dismissing Communism, Socialism, or any other form of government (even with a mention of Sharia), and but my familiarity is mostly with Democracy, which I promote.
The United States, after violating my 1987 warning from God, arranged the 1995 Oslo II, with negotiation of areas A, B, and C in the West Bank, and a five year implementation plan never achieved, but they still should take pride in some accomplishments. To this day, for the most part, Israel and Palestine adhere to the A, B, and C areas, with both sides in obvious violation in certain places. Israeli courts destroy Jewish settlements and limit construction in the wrong areas unless national security or identity seems at risk. During the negotiation process, talk of a complete handover of our Eastern Parcel (of the West Bank) to the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) was circulated. In that case, any weak Israelis whom might agree with that particular 'Oslo', might say Palestinian governance wasn't (yet?) established to a level, to prevent violence that scuttled the plan.
Here's the second and third line of their STATE.GOV article explaining Oslo, although the Department warns, that series of articles is no longer maintained:
"... Israel accepted the PLO as the representative of the Palestinians, and the PLO renounced terrorism and recognized Israel’s right to exist in peace. Both sides agreed that a Palestinian Authority (PA) would be established and assume governing responsibilities in the West Bank and Gaza Strip over a five-year period. ..." here: The Oslo Accords and the Arab-Israeli Peace Process.Despite Oslo II creating US pride, the rogue, on the job, off the job US Department of State, left out a HUGE detail that could've potentially revived negotiation. That A, B, C, thing, where: 'A approximately 18% of the West Bank under PA control; B approximately 22% of the West Bank administered by PA, but security shared with Israel; and C approximately 60% of the West Bank under Israeli control' was established. Were they attracted to White Horse Beach in heresy, due to Avenues A, B, and C there, while I was also making my Warning, or after? There's much more about Plymouth at
Here are three sources from an internet search where I got my numbers, although I disagree with other details or haven't read them further: - What are Area A, Area B, and Area C in the West Bank?
Welcome to - Everything you need to know about Areas A,B and C - West Bank areas in the Oslo II Accord
Palestinians will claim other reasons for the fast breakdown of Oslo II, and now one faction or another probably rejects the PA because of their signing the treaty, but let's not forget the USA at both ends. When will they return to their leadership as a melting pot of Faiths, and firm silence toward Palestinian crusaders?
When America released Kuwait from Iraq, rejecting God's warning I told them starting in 1987, instability began to spread throughout the Middle East. The current Prophecy I still offer the U.S. is ignored, and I can't achieve the religious 'branch' stage I'm identified with in the Bible, which would improve Israel, although I have started a tiny bit here (translation offered at the Instagram website by clicking on the image):
After I became a citizen of Israel, I never took part in election that occurred while I was there, but I had a very distinct sense the democratic nature of the nation was stronger than my experience in the US. Israel may have been voting for the formation of a potential coalition through a single man, but the healthy feeling was tangible to me. That was before the fast successive elections of the last decade or so, that in my personal experience also felt tangible in democratic depth. America's weakening of smart politics seems to stem from the rejection of my Prophecy.
Laws need to be enacted to prohibit any governing body from creating negative preambles, constitutions, charters, etc. against any other. This will force them to focus on what they can do for their constituents, and if they happen to be formed in the middle of war or something, their future in governance will already be properly outlined.
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